Wingsnetwork Update Compensation Plan After SEC Complaint caused by some leaders wrong promote in USA.

 The Wingsnetwork after some leaders have been promoted to the downline with wrong about the actual compensation plan was set by company and SEC complaint about Ponzi Schem last 2 weeks.

Now The Company decided to suspend all leaders and member suspend register downline until new compensation announce as an official in June 2014.
Regarding to the Management Team announce to all member in 21-May-2014 as bellow,

Company was successful verification SEC, which took place from 17 to 18 May ( and why we asked in private offices do not registering these days) .
Guide everything remains in place , will soon be documents from the SEC on the successful passage of inspection. Now our company is officially not a pyramid , and really network company with a very thoughtful marketing, where everything is justified.
Geovani and Priscila Bento will be judged because of which affected more than 30,000 Americans ( American leaders who pripodnosit wrong marketing as an investment for profit ) .
✔ The company bears no responsibility for the distortion of marketing these individuals . American branch will return all your money (restructuring of the structure , which will take 30 - 50days ) After restructuring the company structure can work legally WORLDWIDE !
✔ For the period of restructuring , of course, the Americans will not be able to make new registration (with the aim of presenting the non-proliferation of incorrect marketing, which was there) , and the withdrawal of money and use the company's products will be available .
✔ Now known to cause reduction BONUS CONSULTANT . Americans put up to 160 accounts per person , thereby pulling the huge amount of money from the structure without building a network! This wild violation !
✔ accounts and accounts of promoters from other countries working and not frozen. We serious violations were found. Soon guide will provide information on how to proceed .
during the restructuring period STRUCTURES IN U.S. will go in parallel :
✔ Improved performance of the support , the headquarters will be increased three-fold division is on the specifics of the issues
✔ Create new products and applications :
-wingsFLY and wingsRESORT ( buy tickets and book hotels in our structure will bring us money , the price of the input package will include free flights and hotel accommodation )
✔ Investment packages that will bring about 18 % per month of the lease of the space cloud datacenters company! Make them in order to ensure that the investor bought these packages , but did not go on the way the United States. Recall in binary need to build a network ! Marketing for this maximum favorable.
✔ WingsACADEMY - official conference schedule training marketing, use the company's products , attracting . For everyone to have a proper understanding of the company and continue there was no distortion of marketing, and that all were able to correctly use the company's products . The Academy will be held in more than 7 languages , including Russian .
✔ Will your TV channel and magazines for the latest information directly from the management
✔ The event opening of Russia in connection with the restructuring of the structure in the United States tolerated. Guide asked for details of the transfer of funds for expenses that have emerged in connection with the rescheduled event.
✔ Ask for me personally , drive business ethically , do not insult the promoters of other companies, each choice in what company they want to work , do not waste energy on it , better send it to study its structure .
P.S. Do not confuse the concept of restructuring finance restructuring structure - it is a very different concept.

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